1 – Workers contact the union and meet with a union organizer.
2 – Workers sign cards applying for membership in the union and authorizing the union to represent them in negotiations with their employer.
3 – If at least 40 per cent of the workers sign membership cards, the Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB) will hold a vote to see if workers want a union.
4 – The OLRB holds a secret ballot vote. Anyone who is in the bargaining unit the union applied to represent can vote. If the majority of workers who cast ballots vote to unionize, the union is certified.
5 – The union will serve notice to your employer to begin bargaining your first contract.
6 – Shortly after the certification order is issued by the OLRB, the CUPE National Office will assign a Local number to the new bargaining unit. Meetings and elections will be scheduled so that members can elect Local officers and a bargaining committee. The union will serve notice to your employer to begin bargaining your first collective agreement.
Please note – the OLRB keeps information on those who signed union cards confidential. Employers never get to see the cards.