Brock University Faculty of Education Sessionals Deserve Better!

It’s time for Brock University Faculty of Education Sessional Instructors to join CUPE Local 4207!

Sessional instructors of the Faculty of Education are some of the last sessional instructors at Brock University to unionize. Unfortunately, this has diminished your ability to organize for better wages and working conditions. Faculty of Education sessional instructors have significantly lower pay, less vacation, lower benefits, and worse contract terms than their counter parts who are unionized with CUPE.

Now is the time to change that.

Brock University Faculty of Education sessional instructors are organizing to win a union! Together, we can make it happen!

CUPE is leading campaigns for higher wages, job security, and real solutions to the crisis facing university workers. We’re fighting for the rights, wages, and respect that all workers deserve.

There are more than 30,000 CUPE members working in the University sector in Ontario. The CUPE Ontario University Workers Coordinating Committee coordinates bargaining and province-wide political action on issues facing university workers.